mom and daughter duo

 Happy Mother's Day everyone! Every mother wanted her daughter to love her natural hair just as she did and she couldn’t train ‘self-love’ if she didn’t love everything about herself including her hair. So she stopped wearing braids and stopped perming her hair and is all-natural and hasn’t looked back!

kim playing with kids at the beach

Cool Mom Hairstyles 

Mother playing with a kid

In the essence of Mother's Day, we're concentrating on all things, mom! As any mama knows, just because you have kids doesn't imply you don't care what you look like. At the top of pretty much, every mom's list of beauty distress is always hair. Specially, When you're a working mom, spending tons of time doing your hair just doesn't suit the schedule. Moms need the easiest, low-maintenance hairstyles for your wavy hair that will have them out the door in no time, yet still, look like they're on the peak of their game. Here, our top best mom hairstyles.

Hassle-Free Hairstyle: The Ponytail

wavy ponytail style

There are so many variations on a ponytail, but for moms, the best way to style a pony is fuss-free and comfortable. Low ponytails that begin either at the middle of the head or the nape is the way to go. We love a little movement in the ponytail, and unquestionably nothing that looks like it has too much product in it. Some other amusing ways to rock your pony are:

  • Wrap a smaller piece of hair around the flexible band on your ponytail for a classic look.
  • Split the hair in the ponytail into two different sections and coil them around each other for a funky style.              

Get a Chic Mom Haircut 

Wavy lob style

And the winner for the chic mom haircut is--the lob! The long bob is here to wait and we think it's a win-win for moms. It's short, but not too short, and can be styled in so many forms. A lob with movement is a stylish way to wear this look. Wear your lob wavy hair and it seems effortlessly cool. Work a leave-in conditioning product into wet hair and blow-dry, but don't leave it straight. If your hair needs a little bit of help in the wave section, give it some bend with a flatiron rather than a curling wand to create looser waves.

 Related Article: Goddess Braids Hair That Prove This Needs to Be Your Next Style

Chic Mom Hairstyle: Half up-Half down

Chic Mom hairstyle

For moms, putting a hair out of your face is key. Who has the time to keep dragging it back? The half-up/half-down look is totally flattering and so easy to do. Using a mini clip or an ouch-free elastic band, pull some of the pieces that express the face into a mini ponytail in the back, or loop it and don't pull the ends all the way through.  

mother combing the kid hair

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